5 by 2025 - Five Recipes for Every Child by 2025!

5 by 2025. It's a simple goal...
We care passionately about good food.
We also care about the next generation’s relationship with food. We believe that with a combination of physical activity and the knowledge and practical implementation of good nutrition, we can unlock a child's potential.
By 2025 we want every child to be able to cook 5 nourishing recipes by the time they leave home, as well as understand the link between what they eat and mental and physical well-being.
Imagine that?
Just 5 recipes to help set up the next generation for a healthy, fulfilling life.
Our highest goal is to help people develop better relationships with food, and in doing so achieve more balanced and enriched lives. It's where food meets fitness, which is of course what Kate Percy's Real Fast Food is all about. Finding a way to fit good eating and activity into our modern lifestyles. Preparing and enjoying nourishing, minimally processed, uncomplicated food, being active, getting outside into the fresh air and away from that dreaded screen which is taking over all of our lives!
It's what we call 'Enerjoy'!
Partnership with the Youth Sport Trust Charity
We've teamed up with the Youth Sport Trust Charity in an exciting new partnership. 1p per pack of Kate Percy's Go Bites and 50p per copy of Go Faster Food for Your Active Family, is donated to the Charity to help deliver our 5 by 2025 goal. We are working toward some exciting initiatives!
The story behind our 5 by 2025 goal?
I've always been passionate about food education and sharing my love of good food, but the real catalyst for our 5 by 2025 was a day spent giving one of my "eat-like-an-athlete" workshops in an East London primary school back in 2016. Although I'd be running our education programme for several years, visiting every type of school (private, state, primary, secondary, including pupil referral units), I remember returning home devastated by what I'd experienced on that day. The children had absolutely loved the workshop making date & coconut energy balls; they'd been inspired by our sporting ambassadors talking about how good eating helped them achieve their goals. But I felt the teachers had almost given up. Some (not all!) overweight or obese themselves, surrounded by overweight and obese children and all the related behavioural and concentration problems, I know that day had been just a drop in the ocean.
A 'tick-box' for the healthy eating curriculum, perhaps, but if there had been an impact lasting more than a few days I would have been surprised.
A car crash of enormous consequences is taking place in front of our very eyes. Ever-increasing rates of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are overwhelming our medical services. According to a British study*, children are on average less fit and weaker than they were even 16 years ago. The latest 2018 government stats show 34% of our 10-11 year olds overweight or obese.
Of course there are a plethora of reasons for this. We know there is no magic bullet to make the world a better place. Modern life, the breakdown of family time together, cars, computers, the online culture that infiltrates everything we do.
Compared to 16 years ago, our communication habits have changed, our eating habits have certainly changed and our everyday lifestyles mean that we just don't move as much as we used to.
Please join our 5 by 2025 movement!
We'd love everyone to get involved in the 5 by 2025. Let us know what favourite 5 recipes you'd like to pass onto the younger generation. If you are part of that younger generation and you can already cook, then let us know your thoughts. Get your friends involved too!
Share the love and let's get cooking together!
Free resources
Take a look at our free resources to help you in our shop. Our 5 recipes will come online very soon too.
For a taster in the meantime, please take a peek at Kate Percy's "5 to thrive" recipe series on our YouTube channel.
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