
All the goodness, all the flavour. Just dip your spoon into the smoky, tomatoey lusciousness of this orzo soup with crispy garlic chickpeas... At less than £1 per portion* this is one of my go-to budget dinners. Cheap, filling, sustaining...
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We've been talking a lot about the immune system this week. A fantastic way to support your immune system is to eat foods which will support your gut health, and this is just what this delicious red cabbage 'sauerkraut' salad will do. ...
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Fuel up this winter with this deliciously wholesome and energising Red Lentil, Spinach and Coconut Soup! I don't know about you, but for me as the weather turns colder and the evenings darker, I start to crave comfort food, especially hot...
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Avocado pesto is a delicious and healthy twist on the classic Italian sauce. And this homemade version is SO much tastier than the bought variety! Very simple to make, it's one of my go-to recipes to get kids involved with cooking. Great with pasta, chicken or...
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Curry time! A taste of spice, this butterbean, mushroom and spinach bhaji is an aromatic vegan curry, packed with prebiotic fibre, protein, iron and B vitamins. You can make this in advance if you like, until the end of step 3. Enjoy...
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